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CoStar DevOps

Automate for Velocity and Quality

Establish a DevSecOps Environment in Minutes, Not Months

CoStar is a fully automated DevSecOps framework for development organizations of all maturity levels that builds, deploys, and maintains a high-performing development environment.

We help you adopt automation techniques that improve efficiency, security, and quality. Our approach combines cutting-edge technology with hands-on training to empower high-performing development teams so you can increase the frequency and consistency of your deployments.

Deliver With Confidence

Speed and velocity should never come at the expense of quality and security. Our  CoStar Framework empowers you to release high-quality systems into production faster. Deploy safely and with greater consistency, while enabling platform governance.

CoStar accelerates automation in organizations across the full spectrum of DevSecOps maturity. We offer a flexible, scalable approach to CI/CD automation with streamlined reporting and governance through the CoStar dashboard. Our award-winning DevSecOps experts lead hands-on training with your development teams for long-term success.

An Automated DevSecOps Environment

Our CoStar Framework leverages industry-leading expertise to build, deploy, and maintain a fully automated DevSecOps-enabled development environment for increased security, quality, and velocity.

CoStar is Powered by Cutting-Edge Technology

How CoStar Drives DevSecOps Growth

Mature & Scale Your Organization’s DevSecOps Capabilities