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Setting a New Standard for Connected Care

What if... we could improve the care journey and place quality healthcare services directly in the hands of patients?

GoHealth Urgent Care (GoHealth) partners with innovative and integrated health systems to support communities across the entire continuum of care. The company operates more than 200 urgent care centers in 15 states through a partnership model that offers on-demand and virtual care services. 

GoHealth Urgent Care logo
Woman using mobile phone to do a telehealth appointment with her doctor.

Bringing the Best of Retail and Technology to Healthcare

Today’s healthcare consumer is digitally savvy and increasingly expects the same personalized and self-service capabilities from their healthcare providers that they enjoy in other online consumer experiences such as retail.

GoHealth Urgent Care wanted to provide an industry-leading, seamless, and omnichannel digital experience that is effortless, personal, and connected. This included enabling customers to seamlessly access and manage care on their mobile devices.

The company needed a partner with both deep industry knowledge and expertise in mobile product development and digital strategy to build a custom solution capable of managing all aspects of the patient urgent care journey.

2 smartphones displaying the GoHealth Urgent Care app.

Better Serving Consumers Where They Are: On Mobile

While GoHealth Urgent Care provides self-service capabilities on its website, they wanted to empower consumers to manage their own healthcare journey by delivering a personalized mobile experience that gives their customers access to on-demand care.

We partnered with GoHealth Urgent Care to create a comprehensive mobile product strategy and build a mobile application that places quality urgent care services directly in the hands of customers.

The award-winning mobile application has enabled GoHealth Urgent Care to deliver effortless, personal, on-demand connected care to its customers, furthering its mission of increasing access to quality healthcare.

A Customer-Centric Design Delivers Personalized User Experiences

Our Experience Design team set out to deploy a customer-centric design framework to put the customer, and their needs, at the forefront of GoHealth’s mobile app.

We built in-depth patient personas to gain a deeper understanding of different customers’ needs, motivations, and behavior and then used our CX AMP jumpstart to rapidly ideate and prototype the ideal customer experience.

We built the mobile application with React Native, incorporating Redux, Fastlane, AppCenter, and Firebase analytics. The application integrates with users’ mobile device GPS, camera, push notifications, and calendar to streamline the experience.

The personalized and connected in-app experience provided multiple features that GoHealth’s consumers expect, including:

  • Personalized user dashboard
  • Patient portal for health management
  • In-person and virtual visit booking
  • A GoHealth Urgent care center locator
  • Lab and test result access
  • Virtual visits
  • On-demand clinician messaging
  • Patient information, insurance and vaccine wallet storage
We felt that Perficient was the right partner to help us further our mission. The key goal was to have a best-in-class app that would eventually become one of the best mobile apps in healthcare, and Perficient has enabled us to do that. Sarah Arora, Chief Growth Officer, GoHealth Urgent Care
GoHealth Urgent Care app in the App Store.

Strong App Ratings Generate Positive Brand Sentiment and Drive Product Adoption

Initial user reviews of the new GoHealth Urgent Care app were overwhelmingly positive, but the launch was just the first step. It was critical to generate positive user reviews to build momentum for the product and drive user acquisition.

To accomplish this, we created a proprietary framework to solicit users to review their experience with the app. We deployed in-app prompts for users to easily review their experience while it was top of mind. We also created a system for responding to reviews in both the App Store and Google Play.

Within five months of deploying the rating framework, GoHealth Urgent Care saw a significant increase in its app ratings volume. This helped drive the average rating to 4.8, which positively impacted brand sentiment and encouraged user adoption of the app.


A doctor talking to his patient.

A Connected Care Experience Drives New Business

With the help of its new app, GoHealth Urgent Care can both provide value to its existing healthcare system partners while expanding its appeal and offerings to prospective partners looking to offer GoHealth Urgent Care services.

Further, the improved consumer experience has increased attendance for in-person and virtual visits, virtually eliminated physical paperwork in GoHealth Urgent Care facilities, and received awards for digital innovation in healthcare.

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