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Top-Ranked Pediatric Care Provider

Opening a New Digital Front Door

What if...a new digital strategy and site redesign could build trust, make information more accessible, and streamline users’ completion of tasks?

Our client is a not-for-profit organization with more than 60 primary, specialty, and urgent care locations where families can access top-ranked specialty programs and a network of services to meet the unique needs of their child.

Doctor checking a little girl's heartbeat with her mom sitting with them.

Improving the Digital Experience to Drive Patient Engagement in a New Market

Our client was opening a pediatric center in a highly competitive market. The health system wanted to strategize, design, and implement a new public-facing website that offers a seamless, easy-to-use digital experience. The new site would:

  • Drive brand awareness of the organization's new market presence
  • Offer a user experience that drives engagement, conversions, and revenue
  • Make scheduling appointments and communicating with providers easier
  • Provide the best possible care to families

The client asked us to create the frictionless and guided experience that patients and their families need and expect from the health system.

A person sitting in front of a computer with many digital checklists floating above the computer screen.

Defining the Structure, Personas, and Journeys to Craft a Modern Digital Experience

We began by partnering with a third-party marketing team to conduct stakeholder interviews and user testing. We spoke to a variety of parents both in and outside the health system to better understand their pain points and identify the moments in their care journey that would be served by a tailored digital experience.

Based on our findings we set out to develop a prioritized strategy and roadmap for a new digital experience. This included:

  • Identifying KPIs to measure performance of the site's navigation, experience, and content
  • Developing target personas informed by our stakeholder research
  • Performing a content audit
  • Identifying gaps in the website's information architecture and building a new framework
  • Building roadmaps for the targeted persona groups to support key moments in their user journey

We presented strategic recommendations to modernize the patient journey and provide a more meaningful digital experience that guides them to the right care.

A hand reaching out with Medical Icons in a healthcare workers hand.

Taking a Task-focused Approach to a Reimagined Digital Experience

We applied our strategic recommendations and data-driven insights to optimize the website experience, navigation, and content for each targeted persona by leading a full website redesign on the Optimizely platform.

We redesigned the experience to be task-focused, providing users with easier paths to the information they need. Based on where the user's child is in their healthcare journey, we navigate them to the content they are most likely looking for (e.g., making a follow-up appointment) while highlighting the call to action so that tasks can be completed as easily as possible (e.g., schedule an appointment).

We continued to enhance this new guided digital experience through:

  • Auditing and refreshing site content
  • Optimizing the site architecture
  • Updating the site in line with refreshed brand standards
  • Revamping the online scheduling tool and adding online appointment scheduling to clinic pages
  • Creating consistency across location pages so users can more easily navigate to the correct location within the facility
  • Re-platforming more than 1,500 pages onto the Optimizely content management system (CMS)

The modern CMS delivers a personalized and optimized consumer experience, facilitates custom development and testing, simplifies ongoing site maintenance, and improves site reliability.

Our expertise in healthcare strategy, the Optimizely platform, complex integrations, and patient-centered digital experiences made us the perfect partner to help our client deliver a holistic solution to drive awareness and build consumer trust. 


A Healthcare worker checking a child's heartbeat.

Providing a True Patient-centered Experience

The new site reflects the unique in-person experience for which the health system is known. The enhanced design simplifies the user path to relevant content with a personalized and task-focused approach, while the Optimizely CMS simplifies site maintenance and allows developers to scale features for more personalized experiences.

The fully reimagined site also:

  • Differentiates the provider as a child- and patient-focused source of care
  • Offers a balance between clinical and pediatric content
  • Equips family members with information from a trusted digital source of truth
  • Creates a clear path to online scheduling with a strong customer service approach
  • Eases confusion and frustration around tasks such as billing and insurance
  • Communicates additional available services of which patients may not be aware

To date, the new site has exceeded target KPIs to increase organic search impressions, site visits, and use of the optimized appointment-scheduling tool.

The site's intuitive and personalized navigation helps users quickly perform desired actions and easily locate the answers they are searching for so they can focus on their child's health.

Our expertise in healthcare strategy, the Optimizely platform, complex integrations, and patient-centered digital experiences made us the perfect partner to help our client deliver a holistic solution to drive awareness and build consumer trust.

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